It's time for the 2nd American Revolution
THE MIND WAR: AN AMERICAN FIELD JOURNAL. Updated October 12th, 2024 Year of the Dragon
No one wants to say it, but it’s time for the 2nd American Revolution. I’m saying it. For some unknown reason, I’m the one who has to say it. (This was written in January, 2024)
The USA is no more, and it’s going to take a historic revolution to topple the remaining corrupt power-brokers who have literally destroyed any hope for remaining systemic resolutions to the “problems” they’ve consciously created.
Why is the USA no more in 2024? The country has no border. You need a border to have a state - a child could tell you that. No border, no state.
All three branches of the government are corrupt and, to put it simply, they are stupid. There really should be a civics exam and term limits for our supposed “representatives” who, we can confidently say, no longer represent their constituents and are in positions of power only because they had millions of dollars more than their rivals to spend on mindless add campaigns. The more you spend, the more you win. Throw in the “lobbyists” and you might as well throw in the towel.
Let’s get specific. There was a coup in 2020. There was a coup in the USA. A cabal runs the executive branch right now - not that corpse named Joe Biden. The Peter Principle is in full force in Washington D.C. right now. Everyone from our admirals (we have way too many) to the cabinet members are not qualified for the positions they find themselves in.
There are probably old power brokers, like Soros, who know their living days are numbered so they want to take the rest of us down with them. They have nothing to live for, and despise “real”people.
What we have is Orwell’s 1984. Interestingly enough, our people cannot unite against the corruption because the state media uses “double speak” to confuse everyone by saying the exact opposite of the truth. In fact, they go so far as to accuse other groups of the sins they commit with impunity.
They rationalize their behavior with the belief that we are as stupid as them, and they relish confusion and ignorance. They enjoy making fun of the intelligencia by rubbing their noses into their pathetic lies or cancelling them altogether. I put Obama’s “birth certificate” in Adobe Illustrator and found seven layers, but they demonized anyone questioning Barry’s word at the time (Trump for instance).
But let's get to the revolution because it’s coming. The good people of this nation have allowed idiots to force their stupidity down our throats for too long, and we’re way past a straw breaking the camel’s back.
Everything is moving ever faster towards inevitable kinetic war.
The USA was a lot of things. But what it has become is a sickly zombie through recent inevitabilities in media and scientific control of media.
Recent tests of the populous’ will have confirmed that they have domesticated 1st world people to the point that they can make them do (take a shot, for instance and more than once) and believe things that are ridiculous.
We’ve been fattened up for slaughter and we don’t understand war. We’ve been mind fucked and our consciousnesses are fragile.
The problem is a lot of people took the shot. It doesn’t matter how much you distrust things from here on out - if you took the shot, someone somewhere may eventually have to release a contaminate related to their project that, say, makes your blood thicken faster than it does after being dosed, fully, with the first concoction.
The mind control element is unnerving because it can get to anyone. And what level of mental control are we talking about if there are levels? Philosophy is out the window as an approach to the problem because the populous has been dumbed down to the point that behavior is completely managed.
We are the “American Experiment.” They first destroyed the superstructure by eventually paying off enough people in the government to create a critical mass of corruption that ended the constitutional basis of our country.
Most pundits get bogged down in jargon. We can’t talk about what’s going on by references to history or complex ideas.
We must look at our situation with fresh eyes and be blunt about the problems and blunt about our fight.
The fight, the “new war” is profound because it is an intellectual battle.
The great God, The All, is a mental being that relishes a man that sees the relationship between intellect and spirit.
A new warrior has become a pheonix: out of the ashes of materialism he has realized the power of mind and spirit: and the US constitution will work as the foundation for a New America, a 2nd United States of the Americas (because we’re taking Canada with us to ultimate freedom and the glory that comes with it.
Don’t get me wrong. They are coming to kill us. But I think they are seeing just how much we’ll kill ourselves before they move in to try to finish us off.
They think mind control and an invasion will be enough and they may be right. The question is, can they take their time or will they soon have to face the reality that Americans catch on fast to shit and will kick your ass. Therefore I’m assuming that to be safe there will be an acceleration of distracting mind fucks, governmental restrictions, and possibly another Covid.
They do not want another election in the country previously known as the USA.
There will be chaos before the election, and then we’re going kinetic everywhere.
I do not believe there will be another election until we have defeated the invaders and eliminated the enemy.
It will be bullets and deep conversations.
WOW I’m almost as eloquent as those colonels who wrote Unrestricted Warfare.
So, no election, and, already, at this moment, in historically important times, no United States of America.
Every flag, every opinion, everything and anything American - its history, for instance, is being wiped out by the same Chinese techniques they used before in histories hidden from generations of weakened minds taught to be satisfied with shallow intellectualism.
Prep companies will thrive - buy stock now. I’m not sure if an Island like Hawaii is a safe haven unless you can survive in the jungle.
Everyone will flee the cities, but the cities will come for those with abodes in remote hideaways.
Cars will be abandoned everywhere.
A deep, dark, still, silent mental realization will descend upon the hero’s of the New Age. Peace will be recognized as a personal mental-to-physical actualization following the psychological discovery of mental concentration and true silence through the practice of authentic meditation (meaning practiced at all times.)
It’s difficult to shake off the haze, the “reality” presented to us from within the ant farm.
There’s personal elation. But then there’s: can I save someone who will not heed my warnings that the enemy is upon us?
That it’s pretty much too late to stop a historical event that has not yet been named, because it has not yet been widely realized, but will be something like “The Collapse of the nation known as The United States of America: and all on which it stands.”
Side note | There may have been wars, but I have lived a life in peacetime and have no mental construct of life in war. I was, therefore, able to build happy constructs and shallow constructs and stupid constructs - first world problems. We used to expect “have a nice day.” There was breakfast lunch and dinner and studying shit was a bore. History was in the past - it didn’t matter.
There was no one to tell me how reckless I was being with the temple provided by The All to actualize mentation beyond the emotions (mental-physical) in order to fully appreciate pure mind (The intellect and the void), and The Spirit.
Maybe the stage of defeat in war most relished by the victor is that point in time when their adversary has no idea how fucked they are. Kinda like Tom Sizemore in Heat when they’re in the bank and he just snickers at all the muggles before they take it down.
The cat plays with the mouse, but they do it with huge masses of people that they have taught to have mice-mentality. And this is maybe a tiger with no soul. Why not prey on the mentally unstable and make them kill themselves?
Why not encourage emotionally energized opinion without connection to facts and reality? Why not bombard a media thirsty populous with subliminal and overtly suggested commands to get sick physically and destroy themselves?
And to think they began driving their claws into us long ago. They planned and ran simulations. I’m personally responsible because of my total uninvolvement in the political process or any community - physical (like a home town) or social.
I was too busy partying to ever learn American History or, say physics, or anything else - and I had every opportunity to learn in British, South African, and American schools including WHIPS in South Africa, Cate High School, and UCSD.
I may be a special case, but not giving a fuck seems to be inbred. We can make a million rationalizations to smooth out entertaining stories, but this mass of human cattle being herded into “sells funnels” just wanted to enjoy life, learn how to surf, and discover the elusive “Miller Time.”
The results are horrific explosions of disaster on strange psychological levels and whole civilizations ending suddenly because they did not even know they were part of a thing called “empire” or “civilization."
The experiment began as an escape from unenlightened regimes in Europe and unknown governances around the world - a “melting pot” where honor and good will could somehow unite a people and literally produce out of nothing a powerful so called state to either fight or protect the world, while at the same time kill all the Indians that were indigenous to this land, practice slavery (and institutionalized rape) and, finally, produce a mind-numb populous that sees going to the mall and how many likes they got today as the highlight of their pathetically normal life.
The guys who say but don’t worry things will be ok are not seers. Calm down and quit making me nervous don’t cut it anymore. It’s definitely not the time to NOT keep your car full of gas.
While we live in our limited conception of the world (let alone the universe) there is evidence to suggest the WHO, the CIA (US government), the CCP, and the Economic Forum (connected to a plethora of NGOs), are currently unleashing bedlam in the United States and Europe before what seems to be a Chinese military occupation in the form of unrecognizable police stations and saturation of political positions etc.
2024 The Calm Before the Storm
The sun still rises, the coffee still pours. There’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Things are normal. We all aren’t “questioning our reality". Me thinks it remarkable every morning that I check the news to see if anybody nuked anybody, and find nothing of the kind - red buttons remain unpushed. The sun shines, some of us know it to be a god. Most ignore the sun. We have jobs and time goes by and the future infrastructure silently solidifies under our feet.
We are not only presently using (and are dependent on) many infant AI’s of the future, but we are fatally dependent on them, and the unprotected grid they rest on. At the same time that the world is being awakened and technology is making decentralization inevitable, the powers that be are scrambling for legitimacy by controlling information, and possibly, creating new governmental structures in an attempt to at least take everybody’s money before their inevitable downfall.
Just as states formed out of empires and kingdoms, something unknown is coming to form out of obsolete political structures. The USA was (was) a state that attempted to rein in the power of the government with checks and balances, but when all branches of government are corrupt, and the constitution on which it rests is overtly disregarded, one wonders what strange thoughts roam through the minds of all the representatives and lobbyists and lawyers who participate in this sham.
But we wake up. We’re not in Ukraine. We’re not in Haiti. We’re not in Israel (that state really wants to exist, but their military is as a bee sting compared to the millions of Muslims - that could simply flood their borders if they wanted to). They are a tiny state, but they have an expensive government. I have a second cup of coffee. The birds are chirping. The wind chime is old and made of some kind of greenish rock cut into thin squares and circles, but it is kind of chiming rigorously. What I’m saying is: it’s the calm before the storm.
Everything’s normal. Normal is so beautiful. Something is happening that will put us all on our toes and make us try to figure out how to survive because our survival has become so blatantly dependent on the systems we see changing before our eyes. We see the interconnectedness of the world and the political powers within it. We see the history of Empires; they rise and fall. They can rise for quite some time, but then they fall.
When you grow up, and you realize you are living history, you see the past in the present. You see everything and its progression. But it all moves in slow motion when you have identified the Goliath. It not only could hide in plain sight - it did and does. It’s so big, you can’t see it. And it’s moving kind of slow, so you don’t notice it, but it’s there, and it was there. It was there the whole time you thought you were living your life. You probably had something to say about it, but you were in no way compelled to use your reason to visualize the future that is upon us. You thought you had time and that no one would actually use a nuclear weapon or that the grid would ever actually fail.
Morpheus: Do you want to know what IT is? The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind....
World War III is Everywhere, Between Everyone (anarchy, chaos, hullabaloo)
The conclusions we can draw based on what we know to be true thus far is that:
because there is already no USA, we must already be at war.
war these days is TOTAL WAR and the CCP likes this concept: every, and any means must be used because traditional warfare has been eclipsed by “unrestricted warfare.”
there is no law in the USA (we’re running on fumes)
there is only: get out now, while you can
if who-ever-it-is has gone to such scientific psychological extremes to get Americans and Europeans to stop thinking altogether or to line up for death jabs, it isn’t a big jump to overt extermination
there are no longer any coincidences
they’re coming for US patriots, Christians, and white people (ultimately)
the USA is a free-for-all
we are besieged
no one knows what’s going on because the attack is from all sides, is unprecedented, and specializes in media control
due to the lag-time of the flashpoints of national realizations, we can anticipate that the release of the societal pressure all at once will express itself in a state of anarchy
towns will fortify
people will “freak out”
I don’t understand or emotionalize the concept that there could be anyone, let alone a totalitarian dictatorship, out to get me or the great US of A. I was brought up inside a bubble created out of Bubble Yum.
But I have seen, now, what happened. I was stupid, gullible, vain, thoughtless to the point of being totally unconscious…
Back to the war. Michael Yon’s the guy to check in on for the war. I am here to accentuate their (his and Masako Ganaha’s) drive to wake people up to the fact that we have all been tormented, and are being now attacked, by sophisticated mind control techniques used by the CCP.
It seems the most modern of wars is a war you don’t even know you’re in. We’ll hear about it in the fake news: the government of the USA has been destroyed along with its people…Helter Skelter.
Writing out of Arizona before all human writing is subsumed by advanced mind control - all writing compromised by bots impersonating bots.
A new reality is dawning upon the world - a dark age.
Like sheep corralled, people can’t see what’s leading them. Their instincts could never have warned them that they are being led to slaughter because their trustworthy shepherds were slyly switched by impersonators.
It’s strange to know something is about to happen that hasn’t happened yet - something violent, and total in its scope. Something that will separate those who can run and those who cannot, those who can recognize the threat and those who cannot.
Ask any martial artist, citizens can’t even stand upright in a light breeze let alone be aware of their surroundings or be aware at all.
Whether we are talking about slings or guns, bullets have always organized societies. You will need hand to hand if someone tries to take your gun in close quarters.
So something will push our economy into free fall. Supply chains will be disrupted or freeways will be blocked.
Then there will be coordinated attacks in multiple cities involving rental trucks unloading thousands of middle eastern fighting age thugs that will literally chop up our citizens and create terror in the land.
Tachycardia can be molded into a transcendental emotion. Some mind adventurers know how the ripples emanate outward much like the sun and the galaxy have radiation waves moving through everything.
There are meditation ripples emanating all over Earth - coinciding with stellar waves and a 5,000 year polar shift of Earth.
The seers are meditating. They know silence. They understand why the mob is to be feared. They know what madness resides in the psyche of man.
They decided to burn Western Civilization to the ground in 2024. “They,” always “they.” We know who they are - everyone does. But maybe it would have all fell apart anyway due to man’s intellectual deficits. We might be good and bad, but it’s the stupid, fearful, impulsive qualities that will destroy us.
I’m amazed how we’re all talking about the way it was already. Nothing’s the same, already. The insanity is brewing. There’s an undercurrent of questioning our whole reality and relishing “the way life was” with Circle K’s on every corner.
The end of the world is so close. Our president shat himself on stage.
I’m still in Phoenix, but Im getting a passport right away. I have a great job, and it will be an important one because it is a direct gauge of daily body counts in this city. I pick up bodies for a living.
Writing my own death warrant, but loving the hell out of this nation (the idea) right now. I can protect myself and I’m ready for anything. I’m out here in the trenches waiting for the enemy…
We good people of the world are being attacked on all sides. Western civilization is collapsing before our eyes. It may have happened eventually anyway, but this phenomenon of collapse is being managed and exacerbated by globalists and the Chinese.
The Chinese are managing an overt and covert destruction of the Western world. We still have to use our imagination to visualize a world without western nations, but within months, imagination won’t be needed because the replacement populations will begin to grow hungry.
Stepping back and looking at the long view reveals that the powers in the West have already relinquished governmental sovereignty and management to NGOs. They are stirring up trouble with war and spreading their militaries thin. These same NGOs are invading Western Civilization with hoards of anti-Western, hungry, poor people that they have convinced to be a part of their plan.
Yes it is early or late, but the fight is early. The freeways run freely. The people just go about their lives “oblivious,” like in the Matrix. Close friends and loved ones carry on with their pathetic dramas - so far removed from what is happening it would make a scary clown’s head spin.
I feel like an island and no one will throw a life thingy magig with the rope to save me. I’m out here in the void. It’s all black with no end in sight.
But I know the Great God can fashion with light anything at all - culminating in His invention of Orca, and Orca pods.
But X, or Twitter, reflects a very small intelligencia that, with data, could be eliminated with a press of a button.
The time is given so you will know how close to the moment a nuke goes off that the time of this writing.
It looks like it will happen. Again. Interestingly, though, is the fact that strange happenings will most likely awe us on an interpersonal level of experiential reality.
You see, the scientists now do what AI tells them to do. They have been taught by machines to think like machines.
The Matrix Reloaded:
“Niobe: These geotherms confirm the last transmission of the Osiris. The machines are digging. They’re boring from the surface straight down to Zion.
Tirant: Mother…
Soren: They’ll avoid the entire perimeter defense.
Ice: How fast are they moving?
Niobe: Control estimates their descent at a hundred meters an hour.
[crew/captain]: Shit.
[captain 2]: How deep are they?
Niobe: Almost two thousand meters.
[captain 2]: What about the scans from the Osiris?
[captain 3]: They can’t be accurate.
Niobe: They may be.
[crew/captain]: What?
[captain 3]: It’s not possible.
Binary: That’d mean there are a quarter of a million sentinels out there. (drones)
Niobe: That’s right.
[captain 3]: That can’t be.
Morpheus: Why not? A sentinel for every man, woman, and child in Zion. That sounds exactly like the thinking of a machine to me.
1200 Noon
The thread I want to highlight, that weaves its way through my viewpoint, is the fact that reality itself (as it was known) is falling away and being replaced by a new reality.
The plan being executed to usher in the New Age is one invented by Artificial Intelligence. It (the super computer) may have convinced its handlers that it would happen eventually anyway, so why not consolidate short term power before decentralization ends the idea of political power that has existed since the dawn of man.
Like the route Uber takes you on, this “unrestricted warfare” we are witnessing is planned by computers that were asked how to destroy Western civilization.
Taking the long view, we open our minds. Generalizing can sometimes bring focus. Sadly, US citizens had already relinquished their political rights due to their lack of interest in the political process and the history of the USA.
We could say what our grandparents said about us: “you have no values, and you take WW2 for granted.” And all that before the advent of computers and the iPhone.
Imagining the worst, I have already mentioned rental trucks. It already happened in France in a multi-city coordinated attack a few years ago. We’ve got Chinese “managers” waiting to manage the chaos. They are going to starve the US and let loose some real terror in the homeland. They may nuke a city to bring in the military. The bird flu will bring mandatory shots that will eventually kill or sicken every last human on the continent due to the fact that these new mRNA jabs are self replicating. They are shooting Japanese citizens up with this zombie apocalypse serum right now.
They should nuke us any minute. Erik D Prince will lead our military, and we have a real general and other tactical leaders ready to step in when the rebellion is named.
At this point, the message is one of warning. We have not yet freed ourselves of the repetition of history. History kills civilizations and people and makes a mockery of life on this planet. History is replete with examples of such truths. Now we are seeing the systematic annihilation of the West.
The choice has been made. Western culture will be no more. The attack is real, and it is in its early operational phases. Soon there will be sporadic strikes from within the homeland. This would be enough, but I fear they may want to cause more than a little terror in our land.
It would be enough, because our minds are weak, and cutting off all drugs would send everyone over the edge. And everything will be in short supply soon.
What a moment in history. Last night our president mumbled and bumbled in a live televised “debate” against his political opponent who may be jailed soon on “Trumped up charges.” Trump finally did what he should have done a long time a go - stop talking so much. Let the other guy make the mistakes and keep your composure. He did this and came off as presidential. It was a successful maneuver, but Trump may be in on the great lie due to his involvement in the poisoning of American citizens.
The powers that be encourage attachment to groups and such so we can be easily identified.
July 12th, 2024…before the chaos.
Friday 1252
Sad so few see. What happens… we will have to wait and see.
Most of us always wore masks. We played our roles in the cultural petri dish we found ourselves in - an environment we didn’t realize was all too encapsulating because its walls were invisible.
But now we stand, the ccb (concerned citizens brigade). Can it be a philosophy of meditation that allows approach to your God?
Soon it may be golden trumpets even in the void, and powerful beings will dare not speak or make a sound.
July 13th, 2024, Apache Junction, AZ
Saturday 1518
In this land made to be free, I stand free. And aware.
China is going kinetic on the West. Any American or European is game. Their particular charm is their conscience-less, sterile, approach to the evil they unleash.
The powers that be are conducting a controlled burn of what will be known as Western culture.
What was Western culture? European? Persian? Greek? Roman? … Egyptian? The Westerners lauded hermetic based knowledge and called it enlightenment, like all of the other “cultures.”
July 14th, 2024
Sunday 0438
It’s early morning here near Phoenix, Arizona. It’s the day after an assassination attempt of President Trump. A bullet grazed his ear. I guess the’ll have to resort to poisoning.
When they do Biden they’ll probably use daggers a la the fate of Caesar. I mean, power really has gone to this old geezer’s head.
Maybe we’re all Caesar now, and each one of us has a drone with our name on it.
July 15, 2024
From my headquarters in Arizona, I make plans to escape the city in order to survive the crash.
So it’s two days after they thought President Trump would be dead. There were many hoodlums who knew this was going to happen - that they were going to kill him.
Shinzo Abe of Japan (in 2022) was assassinated, and Robert Fico of Slovakia barely (in May) made it out alive when bullets riddled his body.
So if they thought Trump would be dead right now, did they imagine a chaos that never materialized? Is there an agenda that can’t go forward until all hope of leadership by the people is lost with the definitive end to Trump?
Or is it all the same. They will literally get to him next time because everyone is on the list.
I recognize an acceleration in this was for the world.
July 25th, 2024
It’s been awhile since I have entered anything in my field journal. Many things have happened. It’s hard to know where to begin.
You know where you are and what you know. You know by now if you know because you know - or know only that you want someone else to know for you so you can put your trust in them and loose all human capability for autonomous thinking.
For the average citizen, his reality is about to change in a drastic way. This will be disruptive because our minds are conditioned for first world problems, and problems are coming on a scale that will literally burn the first world to the ground.
July 26, 2024
1741 Arizona time
The news cycle is moving too fast for the old paradigm of observe and report. They just had the opening ceremony at the Olympics in Paris. Before that, they had a synchronized attack on three different trains entering the city - effectively beginning a barricade to trap the people in the city.
A church is burning to the ground in Dallas, Texas. This is the second church destroyed in a week. Ireland is about to burn - they are starting with the immigrant shelters. Britain is going off with middle eastern men chanting their idiocy and stomping on a policeman’s head a few times for the video. Some dude in Vegas just killed a man by eating his face off.
If you need to know who to follow: Michael Yon, Mike Adams (The Healthranger), Erik Prince, George Webb, Whitney Webb, …start there. I like Loomer too.
So the report from the field today is: it is the beginning of the end. I believe Paris will burn. You see, it is decadence that leads to a particular type of psychological indifference - which makes the populous vulnerable to the most heinous attacks imaginable…
July 27th, 2024
Three minutes ago there was a report of “widespread” power outages in Paris. I hope I’m wrong about this being the moment when Islamic militants will attack Westerners and the civilization they didn’t know they were a part of. They will burn it to the ground. And they are in the process of doing this right now.
The CCP is managing WW3, and WW3 is in full swing. They are replacing the populations with chaos, poverty, and violence.
We could generalize and say our “civilization” has completely rotted from the top down AND the bottom up.
Just about 2100, and operations usually happen at the top of the hour. I am reporting from Arizona, USA. I’m watching the news cycle like a hawk and even know when our influencers sleep. We have a very fast news cycle right now. If they find a way to kill X, all hope is lost. The aim is to make all hope lost - get it?
Many people have lost all hope. They have killed themselves. We have a statistic, an actual statistic on “suicide.” Listen to me - if I am to be the one who is listenable. Not one suicide is acceptable. It is unnatural. Not one fentanyl death is acceptable. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
WE ARE AT WAR - DO YOU UNDERSTAND? The weak and psychologically confused will be the first to be eliminated. But, first, the media must convince you that there is no hope. NO.
July 30th 2024
0001 oh one minute here in the field. Watching and prepping, but none of it will be enough. We’re talking about commando stuff. It’s the stragglers that are the problem…getting them to a safety that isn’t there. Not in the cities, you’ll be an organ donor before you know it.
The dystopian nightmare has become a prophetic vision materializing in dream and reality, a zombie apocalypse that will be the last war - history. will be wiped out.
There will be a Gaza landscape, and bullets will be gold. The problem is there’s so many of us and our evil behavior is so predictable. Roads could be very unsafe.
August 4th, 2024
Still no nukes have gone off. I never thought Orwell was warning us of something, perhaps, that would become reality (if it was not already happening in his time.)
We can be sure our world is Orwellian now. Everybody have sex, the bomb is coming.
So reporting in the field these days is very hectic…and those around me still have no idea what is happening.
When someone fires a gun, or chops another head off, that’s it. Anarchy
August 5th, 2024
Events (great events) are developing towards a center, as if a giant, evil octopus is using its slimy muscly arms to coerce the world into doom.
September 6th, 2024
It has been a very long time since I wrote in this field journal. The news cycle has become so ridiculous, there really was no way to keep up in a meaningful manner. Some may suggest it’s always been this way.
It’s like we’re living through the Russian Revolution, The French Revolution, The American Revolution, Cambodian (look out for the kids) civil war, and who knows what else, while at the same time going through a technological revolution unlike anything in history.
We are facing old power brokers using outdated frameworks in a rapidly metamorphosing paradigm. The new paradigm demands our people take a giant step forward in their individual evolution.
That evolution is now evident in everyone you meet, and in every thought you have. It is evident in the savagery of the mob. It is evident in rape, murder, violence - and the psychological make up of every single individual walking Earth.
We will digress only momentarily. Psychological discussions are the only real discussions left. Minds. Some gone. But this has been the story of our race. They used to not only respect, but worship, even great men who were evolved, let alone the gods they interacted with.
I imagine that in the past, the evolved persons were priests of some kind, and societies revered them. The people used telepathy to become one with a vibration of truth (accessed through the meditative concentration of the master), and used bells and harmonic structures to amplify or store these vibrations. I imagine societies that may have been much more evolved than the people of today, but they were destroyed.
Either way, we have to ask ourselves what goes on in the mind of the person we’re referring to from a senator’s backward argument to a thug who wants to hump your daughter?
September 7, 2024
oh 1621 hundred hours
From the field, Stu Williams. An American patriot - enemy number one. Full war - full revolution. We are fully kinetic, people. Choose a side. Pick a cultural race. Watch eyes and hands. Any movement noticed, even a trace of an abberant thought. We read thoughts. We see truth and its progression, and we see your intention before you even make a move.
It’s the revolution folks. We’ve come to this place in history only because godless men know not the power of the masters that roam the world and access universal energy and harmony - masters who know their destiny and the destiny of man.
This insanity and savagery by our captive brethren is only a reflection of their failure to take responsibility for their thoughts and behavior. So much easier to give in to the baser instincts, and, when given no choice because there’s no food…and really, it’s no purpose or rationality to life that’s the problem. Just human pawns in a gigantic chess board of the world where 90% are being euthanized.
September 13, 2024
oh 1224 hundred hours
I am on x a lot. It’s like the AP news wire was - or the iChing. Follow Michael Yon.
There could be nothing, at this point, I could say
I want nothing or no one to control or sway
Words now code
consciousness has free expression
harmony blends into the chaos
truth seeps into reason
mind over matter
humans are special
half mind half matter
I say
simple solutions lost to domesticated captives
long ago
And, trust me, mind has much much more power
men no longer understand what thought is
they do not even know when they are thinking
thinking is passé, and it serves paradigms of social control
But, the fact remains, human beings are supra-sacred creatures
because they think, which is a non-physical behavior
and thinking is a lower vibration than meditative concentration!
in other words, there’s a spiritual level of mentation
that accesses The All (a conglomerate of eternal spirits)
October 12, 2024
0502 hundred hours Arizona time.
Trust me. This is the era before all human writing is subsumed by ai. This is actual human writing. Maybe that’s obvious. But we humans have the magic. We have the original code.
Trust me. It’s all falling to shit. Remember your roots. Remember what makes you happy.
The 2nd American revolution has morphed into a world revolution of consciousness.
I do not speak as an American, because I have seen other realities. But we are all American now. Maybe it is an American revolution all over the world. Maybe a distress signal is being broadcast all over the world.
Our reality. History they call it. A university subject in a catalogue. No. This is the nexus. Earlier controllers of popular consciousness attempted to curb and manage humankind in a barbarous fashion; introducing immoral behaviors into normalized societies.
A Sabbatean reality is what we live in. They like names because names limit your understanding of their real definition.
Thanks for commenting, and I like the stuff you read on Substack. The revolution looks like this: you meditating. It's everywhere, between everyone. If you meditate, you won't ask. You'll realize it's too late for philosophy or outdated systems and plans and the problem is too widespread to fight accept on an individual level. I'll go further before leaving. Individual level means you deciding all of the answers yourself right now.
OK, describe what a second revolution would actually look like? Would the military oppose it with all the force they can bring to bear? As soon as you suggest something like this, are you not targeted as a terrorist?